Welcome to does my WHITE, Tiger or Orange, mature cat look sick?
email : trobert612t@netscape.net
cat face - see sick
cat face - see sick
see sick white cats
see sick tiger cats
An experimental site that uses machine learning to help provide input about the need for your cat to visit a veterinarian . This site doesn't pretend to give medical advice, but merely help as another fellow pet owner would.The guess is based on data of 80 images (100s or 1000s of images is better) of sick and healthy, adult cat's faces, if your cat might be sick . Very few kitten face images though
30 seconds
to evaluate your image since there is no saved model yet. Images data still growing.
Click on the buttons inside the tabbed menu:
model accuracy = around .75 (changes) %
white cat - sick or healthy
If cat is not behaving as usual or not eating, it's probably sick